Unit 28, Session 4

God Wants Us to Know Him (Matthew 28) Dear families, Today’s passage from Matthew 28 is referred to as “The Great Commission.” We see here that the resurrected Jesus purposely brought His eleven disciples together to receive the invitation and instruction they would need to fulfill the Father’s will. God’s overall plan for His creationContinue reading “Unit 28, Session 4”

 Unit 28: Jesus Is Alive

 Unit Description: Jesus’ resurrection was no secret. For 40 days, Jesus appeared to His disciples and hundreds of others so that they would know He is alive forevermore. Jesus wants everyone to know Him, trust Him, and live for Him.  Younger Preschool Big Picture Question: How do we know God wants us to know Him? We knowContinue reading ” Unit 28: Jesus Is Alive”

Unit 27, Session 3

Jesus Was Raised(Matthew 27–28; Mark 15–16; Luke 23–24; John 19–20) Dear families, Amidst the darkness of the crucifixion story, the promise of new life in Jesus sprang forth. Here in these passages, the truth of Christ’s victory became known first to His closest followers and then was spread throughout the rest of the world.  WithContinue reading “Unit 27, Session 3”

Unit 27, Session 2

Jesus Was Crucified(Matthew 27; Mark 15; Luke 23–24; John 19–20) Dear families, Here in the New Testament crucifixion accounts, we read of Christ taking to the cross on our behalf. In this place where Jesus was stripped of His dignity, we find ourselves clothed in His righteousness by faith. Why did the omnipotent Jesus chooseContinue reading “Unit 27, Session 2”